Dave here, the image of the sheepfold has always been such a powerful metaphor to me, but in thee last few months it keeps reappearing in my dreams, I have passed many in the hills and I feel in some ways haunted by them, but these are not bucolic pastoral scenes but ones tag demonstrate the power, strength of our Saviour and demonstrate how far he will go to care for each and every one of us
The ancient sheep farmers of my native Northumbrian Cheviot Hills built their sheepfolds of strong tall dry stone walls with narrow gates. During the night the shepherd would sleep in the narrow gap t keep out the predators.
Thus when Jesus says no one can come in except through him it becomes a warning, to harm these lambs first you have to get through Jesus.
I feel like the community that has grown up around the Ordinary Office contains quite a few vulnerable lambs and it has become our job to enfold them, to keep them safe, to keep the wolves at bay.